Join us on Talking Serverless as we discuss a young serverless architect's journey, the impact of Step Functions, AWS Community Builder insights, and more!
On this episode of the Talking Serverless Podcast Ryan Jones is joined by Filip Pyrek, an AWS Community builder and Serverless Architect. Described as “one of the youngest people to know the most about serverless in Europe” Filip began working for Purple Technology at only 18. Purple Technology specializes in developing software for FinTech companies; an emerging industry that leverages technology to make financial services more accessible. Their journey with Serverless started in the fall of 2017 with only 4 developers and since then have grown to 25+ with all their newly built software being Serverless.
Check out their GitHub to find several iterations of their Serverless devstack—the latest iteration is monorepo containing interconnected TypeScript Frontend+API+Backend
Find Filip on twitter @FilipPyrek