#31 - Chris Gong


January 8, 2021

On our first episode of 2021, host Joshua Proto is joined by Chris Gong, co-founder of Flopperam. Flopperam is the name of Chris's YouTube which focuses on multiplayer game development tutorials, primarily focusing on serverless, using Unreal Engine and AWS GameLift. GameLift is an AWS dedicated server hosting platform that can handle things like matchmaking and scaling-- and with it, Chris was able to form a community of people who were trying to understand it as well, along with other aspects of multiplayer game development, whether it was Unreal Engine specifically or just with other cloud serverless platforms. In this podcast hear not only about Chris's journey, but also his experiences with game development, and if he thinks serverless has a place in its future.   If you want to follow this guest on social media you can find him here on Twitter with the handle @Flopperam And his youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO77KLKwplncMHLo6gLpIHw