Sheen Brisals shares his experience with migrating Lego to serverless in today's podcast.
Sheen Brisals shares his experience with migrating Lego to serverless in today's podcast.
Discover the journey into serverless, views on operational excellence, and the future of serverless in modern cloud environments.
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In this episode, we talk about transitioning from web development to serverless, founding an AWS User group, and becoming Africa's first AWS Hero.
In episode #2 of the Talking Serverless podcast we talk to the Serkan Özal Founder and CTO of Thundra.
An AWS Serverless Hero and Principal Engineer at Custom Ink with 12+ years in software, blogs, advocates open-source, and organizes the Norfolk Ruby user group.
In this episode, the host discusses centralizing developer tools, serverless computing, DynamoDB, and future trends in cloud management with the CEO of Commande